Bird problem? Bird removal might be your best solution

bird removal may be required when they make nests in your homeYou may not think about bird removal being a necessity – most birds are mankind’s friend. We build birdhouses and baths to attract them around our property. Some may even be indoor pets, but depending on the birds and where they are gathering, they could become problematic. Bird droppings are unsightly and when they congregate on top of buildings, they become a nuisance. If you are experiencing a bird problem, there are several precautionary measures you can take to avoid birds gathering in unwanted areas.

Effective control methods include:

1)   Removing roosting niches and sealing any crevices, large openings, as well as high area entrances

2)   Try eliminating water sources, for example rooftop air conditioners. These should be eliminated by screening.

3)   Do not leave any exposed water sources or food outdoors

4)   Dispose of all garbage regularly and ensure that all garbage containers are closed.

5)   Physical exclusion such as netting

6)   Trapping

These methods can be used when dealing with a bird related problem, but at times these methods are ineffective.  There may be times when bird removal is your only option. Depending on how many birds and the bird species, dealing with the problem on your own could be costly. Birds can build nests in areas which can present fire hazards or could block air vents. Calling a pest control specialist will ensure that the unwanted birds are removed from your property. A pest control specialist can trap the birds and relocate them or apply products which will discourage birds from gathering in these unwanted areas.

If you are considering bird removal services, give us a call and we will be more than happy to help!