Category Archives: Bed Bugs & Bed Bug Detection

Bed Bug Extermination in Hamilton and Why It’s in Demand

Although bed bugs are widespread pests in Southern Ontario, they are one of the most difficult to remove, thus the rise in the need for bed bug extermination in Hamilton. The best thing to do if your house or apartment is infested is to hire a professional exterminator to effectively eliminate all the bed bugs in your home or apartment. You wouldn’t want any bed bugs in your home — no homeowner does! Whether you are living in your own house or renting an apartment Read More +

Bed Bugs and what to do about them

Infestations of Bed Bugs are up 5000 percent as are the number of reported attacks! The nightmare begins when a Bed Bug finds its way into your clothing; it usually happens at a hotel but can start anywhere.Hospitals, businesses, homes, buses, apartments, and hotels are just a few places where Bed Bugs are being reported. It is said that Bed Bugs don’t transmit disease from feeding on your blood; however, an engorged Bed Bug can burst at the slightest bit of pressure exposing you to Read More +

The truth about bedbug treatments (or why drive-by shootings don’t work!)

Earlier this week, myself and my partner had the opportunity to treat a large home that was very clean yet infested with bedbugs. One of the things that became very apparent was that if you have bedbugs, somebody walking by with a spray (or as I like to call it a drive-by shooting) simply will not work, or will require many many recalls before the problem is addressed properly. This home if you walked into it, you would never ever think they had a bedbug Read More +